Sunday, September 28, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes.....

conversation tonight with Olivia:

o- those are the pants I was wearing when I hurt my leg on Lulu's cage
m- oh yeah
o- my boo boo is all gone
m- wow, when did that happen?
o- Jesus took my boo boo away
m- really?
o- he takes all of my boo boos away

further into the conversation....
m- what else does Jesus do for us?
o- makes me a birthday cake
m- I don't think Jesus makes birthday cakes
o- he does now

I guess she does more then play in nursery, she's listening too....


The Toodles Gal said...

haha...that's funny!!! makes you proud to be her mom, i'm sure.

Craziest Cottrell said...

That is cute. It sounds like a threat. Poor Jesus, having to make all those Birthday Cakes now.

Miss Sue said...

Some of my best conversations have been with my babies. Life is good.