I've been neglecting my blog, mostly because I'm lazy but I also feel like nothing is going on that is too exciting, besides a quick update on Facebook is so much easier! But low and behold we had something exciting happen, Olivia's first stitches and not the fun, crafty kind. The MD kind sewing you up kind. We are not sure exactly what happened but from what I can understand and put together is at the Primary activity, somehow she got her foot caught under the corrugated wall that is made of metal and it sliced the back of her ankle/ foot and for once my camera was in the right spot, my purse so I got to document our event. To say the least, she was not happy that I pulled it out and was taking pictures, so I only got one. She was pretty upset and wasn't her usual funny self until the local kicked in and then turned on the charm and the nurse and MD kept saying how well she was doing and how funny... I know everyone tells me how funny she is.
Side note: it's been 4 days and the wound looks great but she refuses to use the foot, her pediatrician was concerned about the bruising around the ankle and ordered x-rays to roll out a break, I'm still waiting for a call back but I'm pretty sure that it's all soft tissue.
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