Malaki has many nicknames but one that is used often is Monkey Boy. Malaki has been in a hurry to get some where since he was born. It started at him rolling over at 2 1/2 weeks and he hasn't stopped. Almost everyone that sees him crawl comments on how fast he is. He's getting braver with the walking and has almost started running, almost like if he goes faster, he'll stay upright longer. So far, it hasn't worked really well for him Recently we bought a slide for the kids at a garage sale and it's a big hit for both kids. Malaki especially likes the freedom to climb and slide down. He crawls up the slide and then when he gets to the top, slides down on his belly. If he tumbles, well that's just something that makes him laugh even harder. The best $1 I ever spent at a garage sale.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago