Thursday, February 5, 2009

Funny Olivia

There is not a day that goes by that Olivia doesn't make me laugh. I try to remember them all but it's kind of hard, it's just the way our day goes.

M: Olivia say excuse me, you just cut in front of me
O: why, I didn't fart?
The kid needs to learn that you say excuse me for more reasons then just farting...

vocabulary word:
"mom, ice cream is yummy and delectable...where did you learn that word? The TV"

This is what happens when you leave the room and your almost 4 year old has a glue stick and paper....

1 comment:

Craziest Cottrell said...

that is hilarious! Your kids are crack ups! I think that ties with the glow stick tail. Classic. Did you ask her what she was using her "snowshoes" for?